Saturday, September 18, 2010

Importance of your Babies Schedule

Having a schedule for your baby is very important for not only your baby, but also for your sanity! A baby with a well-balanced schedule will sleep better and also be less fussy during the day. The best practice for a baby care schedule is feed the baby every 3-4 hours around the same time each day. A sample feeding schedule could be at 6am, 9am, 12am, 3pm, 6pm, 11pm. While you don’t have to stick to the same exact schedule time each day, it’s important to stay somewhat close to the schedule so your baby knows what time of day it is, and will an easier time going to bed at night.
Also, if you setup a schedule with your baby and then veer off course, it will be much easier to get back on the schedule if the schedule has been setup and in place for a while. However, if you have no schedule and you just happen to feed your baby whenever the baby is hungry and put the baby to bed whenever you think the baby is tired, you will get thrown off course easily and may be prone to tantrums and trouble with your baby sleeping.
Setting a good schedule from the start will be a great way to manage your life as well as your baby care needs.

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