If you’ve just become a mom you know how happy your new baby can make you. But you also may know how unhappy your new stretch marks may also make you.
Getting rid of stretch marks is one of the biggest concerns of women who have recently had a baby. Not all new mums have stretch marks to contend with, but as those who do have them will tell you, removing stretch marks is one of their major concerns. But it’s estimated that over 75% of new mums have stretch marks to show off.
There’s a number of reasons you may get stretch marks when you’re pregnant, and stretch marks aren’t confined to pregnancy. Girls can, for example, also get them during puberty.
And it is also possible that you increase your risk of getting stretch marks if your mother had them, so it seems to be genetic too.
Do you have any options for removing stretch marks?
There are several options, one is to just do nothing and hope they go away. Some mothers just use a simple moisturizer and hope this will be sufficient.
And there is the risky and expensive options like cosmetic surgery like laser treatments.
And there are creams that are available that are designed specifically to reduce the signs of stretchmarks, though again have mixed results.
Microderm abrasion is even an option, though not one I would choose.
And if you’ve considered and rejected all of these the good news is that there are less intrusive less risky more natural approaches that are also quite successful, though as stated there are no guarantees. These include such options as simple home remedies combined with dietary changes, and some herbal and natural products, and specific exercises.
Many women don’t realize that there is an alternative more natural, cheaper approach that doesn’t involve some of the expense and risk of some other methods.
So if the cost and/or the risks associated with some methods of removing stretch marks scares you there are other, cheaper and less risky, more natural options for you to choose.
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